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Study mobility

For information on the mobility programs offered by Instituto Superior Técnico, click here and read the Regulation of International Mobility Programs at IST.

Students with SEN can receive a mobility support subsidy.

This grant can be used to:

  • Adapted accomodation;
  • Assistence during travel;
  • Expenses with a companion or assistant;
  • Health care expenses;
  • Adaptation of didatict material;
  • Other costs, as long as duly justified.

The eligibility criteria for the application are:

  • Original and legible medical statement, describing in detail the type and/or degree of disability and/or health problem of the participant as well as its impact on the student’s mobility.
  • Written statement from the host institution, in which they state that they have knowledge about your condition and that they have the appropriate facilities/equipment to support the student’s reception.
  • Original application form fully and duly completed, dated, signed and stamped. On this form, the applicant must provide an estimate of the additional costs for mobility arising from your disability and/or your mobility problem. This estimate must be accompanied by the documents that served as the basis to the candidate for its elaboration (namely, budgets or others).

The exclusion conditions are:

  • If you do not present all the documents mentioned above;
  • If they are presented after returning from mobility;
  • If they are submited outside the application period defined;
  • Are not fully and duly completed, signed, dated and stamped.

Applications must be sent up to 60 days before the start of the mobility.

You can find the awar criteria and application form here and more information here.

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