(Português) VI Encontro “Rompendo a invisibilidade: Falar de direitos humanos de raparigas e mulheres com deficiência” organizado pelo ODDH/ISCSP-ULisboa

GENEE’s comes to share the VI Meeting of the Disability and Human Rights Observatory of ISCSP-ULisboa.

On December the 13th, 2022, between 10am and 1pm, the ODDH/ISCSP will be promoting its VI Meeting ”Breaking up Invisibility: Talks about the Human Rights of Girls and Women with Disabilities”, at ISCSP-ULisboa (Room Lisboa), with the possibility to attend the event online by Zoom.

To register for this meeting, which is mandatory and free, please click here.

You can find more information about the ODDH/ISCSP here.
