13º Global Accessibility Awareness Day – GAAD

The National Institute for Rehabilitation (INR), Microsoft Portugal, the Agency for Administrative Modernization (AMA), and the Mission Structure for the Promotion of Accessibility (EMPA) are joining together on Thursday, May 16, 2024, between 10:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to mark the 13th Global Accessibility Awareness Day – GAAD, with the organization of an initiative under the theme “Ensuring Accessibility: An Open Door to the Digital World.

The aim is to promote the sharing of information about innovative technology solutions that promote greater accessibility for over a billion people with disabilities worldwide.

In addition to the contribution of each representative from the organizing entities, there will also be some invited guests who will share firsthand examples of how they use technology to overcome certain barriers.

Interested individuals can participate in person at the location where the event will take place, at the Auditorium of Microsoft Portugal.

Check out the program here and access the registration form here to formalize your registration.
